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Retirement By Design Strategy Report will be in your inbox in 5-10 minutes… Watch this short video now!




Learn The Financial Planning Strategy That Can…

Help you create predictable income for life... Income that keeps getting bigger over the years... Without depleting or forfeiting their nest egg.

Penny A.

When I first met Penny (a 60 year old retired nurse) she had just lost $300,000 in the 2008 Stock Market Crash.

Her life savings had gone from $900,000 down to $610,000 simply because the strategy she’d been shown by her previous advisor left her over exposed to stock market volatility.

She needed $2000 a month of extra income, but didn’t know how to do that AND leave some money to her children.

Using our system we were able to generate her $2123 of monthly income, that will rise to over $3000 a month over the next ten years… And allow her to leave an estimated $610,000 to her children when the time comes.

Ed W.

Ed (a 66 year old retired industrial salesman) wanted to utilise the proceeds of a recent real estate sale.

He needed a supplemental $1000 of extra retirement income.

He wanted to grow his nest egg while producing income… So he could leave money to his kids and grandkids… But was fearful of the stock market.

We used our system we were able to generate the $1000 of extra income he needed… And have it grow to $1585 over 10 years.

At the same time we were able to set up his buckets to allow him to grow his initial $340,000 investment into a $500,000 nest egg he could leave to the kids and grandkids.

Penny A.

When I first met Penny (a 60 year old retired nurse) she had just lost $300,000 in the 2008 Stock Market Crash.

Her life savings had gone from $900,000 down to $610,000 simply because the strategy she’d been shown by her previous advisor left her over exposed to stock market volatility.

She needed $2000 a month of extra income, but didn’t know how to do that AND leave some money to her children.

Using our system we were able to generate her $2123 of monthly income, that will rise to over $3000 a month over the next ten years… And allow her to leave an estimated $610,000 to her children when the time comes.

Ed W.

Ed (a 66 year old retired industrial salesman) wanted to utilise the proceeds of a recent real estate sale.

He needed a supplemental $1000 of extra retirement income.

He wanted to grow his nest egg while producing income… So he could leave money to his kids and grandkids… But was fearful of the stock market.

We used our system we were able to generate the $1000 of extra income he needed… And have it grow to $1585 over 10 years.

At the same time we were able to set up his buckets to allow him to grow his initial $340,000 investment into a $500,000 nest egg he could leave to the kids and grandkids.

Norman L.

Norman, a retired professor, had a very low risk tolerance. As a result he was trying to use the $1000 from the 2.5% fixed income option of his 403b account to live off.

He desperately needed another $800 per month of income to live comfortably… But was worried that if he started withdrawing more income, he would deplete his nest egg and run out of money.

We used our Retirement By Design Strategy we helped Norman generate the $1827 per month he needed to live.... structured it in a way the allowed it to grow to $2872 per month over the next 10 years... while keeping most of his nest egg in tact.

Norman L.

Norman, a retired professor, had a very low risk tolerance. As a result he was trying to use the $1000 from the 2.5% fixed income option of his 403b account to live off.

He desperately needed another $800 per month of income to live comfortably… But was worried that if he started withdrawing more income, he would deplete his nest egg and run out of money.

We used our Retirement By Design Strategy we helped Norman generate the $1827 per month he needed to live.... structured it in a way the allowed it to grow to $2872 per month over the next 10 years... while keeping most of his nest egg in tact.

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The information presented here is not specific to any individual's personal circumstances. Planning by Design Financial does not offer legal or tax advice. Please consult the appropriate professional regarding your individual circumstances. To the extent that this material concerns tax matters, it is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by a taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed by law.

These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable- we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice.